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34403 2021-02-07T17:29:05 14 [佳作]
设计机构: 厦门博冕设计顾问有限公司

设计师追本溯源,以午后两点钟的森林氛围为灵感,将源自品牌的感悟与共鸣情绪融入创作中,使其设计美学回归本真,呈现这样一个空间 - 它平和宁静,没有喧嚣,在这个境界里,你可以看到万物的本质。






Designer tracing its origins and takes the forest atmosphere at two o’clock in the afternoon as inspiration. Bring integrates the brand’s perception and resonance into its creations. taking its design aesthetics back to the original. Presenting such a space, It’s peaceful and quiet, without hustle and bustle. In this state, essence of everything come with you.


On the top of the entrance, a large triangular canvas hanging in the air , we incorporate the concept of a camping tent in the forest.The floor of the front hall is covered with linen carpets, giving a sense of ceremonial feeling. The custom-made swing iron ring chair placed on it is like a wooden pile accidentally found in the depths of the forest, providing people with a resting place.The ingenious special-shaped bar made from concrete sculpture is sincere and powerful. The suspension bars partitioned by rust plates separate the working table and the dining area.The forest green linen screens stacked on the front and back of the high table are half hidden. The soft sculptures made of fabric give people a sense of intimacy. The long banners have Asian linear aesthetics and also incorporate the concept of architectural structure. The special island long table in the middle of the restaurant presents a strong architectural structure concept. There is weighty concrete long beam suspended in the air, with a transparent glass table top. Meals can put slightly on it.


In the depths of the forest, sound come with the time. The sunlight is bright to illusion, the smell of the forest is wild to quiet, and the Zen is completely empty.

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